
Friday, March 16, 2007

Experiencing Him Fully

I know it's spring because our local ice cream stand opened this week! No matter what the weather, it's a sure sign of spring when I see people standing in line at the outdoor window ordering their favorite soft ice cream!

But all sweet treats aside, I really love it that God allows us to experience spring fully with all our senses:

I love the honking sound of the geese in the morning and early evening.

I love the feel of the change in air temperature. It was warm enough to open the doors yesterday, even though there was still snow melting on the ground.

I love the sights of spring - the crocus and daffodil, the spring green color of grass.

I love the taste of spring. One gal in our church asked us if we liked "ramps." I never heard of ramps, but apparently they are a kind of spring onion that grows wild in wooded areas. People around here love to gather and cook a mess of them as soon as they begin to come up in the spring...

But I think my favorite part of Spring is the smell of rain. I read a story recently about a child who had been born seriously prematurely. She wasn't expected to live, but her parents gave her to God and trusted Him to take care of her. Not only did she live, she thrived!

At age five, she and her parents were sitting outside in the spring. She asked her mother if she could smell the scent of rain in the air. Then she made the comment that the smell of rain reminded her of Him when He used to hold her close as a tiny baby.

Wow! Thank God for Spring and for all of our senses - to be able to see Him all around us; to taste, touch feel and even smell Him!

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