
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Too soon old, too late smart

The Pennsylvania Dutch have a saying - "We grow too soon old and too late smart."

The older I get, the more I laugh about that because does seem to be true.

Have you ever watched kids as they grow up? They seem to pass through stages in their relational development with their parents:

Age 2 - Mom and Dad know everything.

Age 5 - Mom and Dad are smart, but I really want to know for myself

Age 12 - My friends know more than my parents.

Age 16 - Mom and Dad don't know anything. Why should I listen to them?

Age 21 - I've been to college, now I know it all.

Age 25 - I'm not sure I know it all. Maybe that's why my parents did it that way...

Age 30 - Hey Mom and Dad, how did you used to do that?

Age 60 - Boy do I miss my parents. I wish I had paid more attention to the things they told me.

Often, we seem to go through similar stages in our spiritual, relational development with our Father God. When we first become Christians, everything about our relationship with the Lord is fresh and new. We want to serve him with everything we have and we eagerly look to him for answers.

But over time, that eagerness fades and we begin to fall back into our old ways of coping with life, maybe even trying to solve problems ourselves. Being a wise parent, the Lord knows we have to mature in our relationship with him until we come back to that place of total dependence, awe, respect and trust in him. That's the place where wisdom begins.

“The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the LORD; the knowledge of the holy one is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 CEB

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