
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Life goes on...

Life goes on...
Twice this spring and summer, the nest outside our living room window was filled and emptied. Mama bird diligently wove the twigs together, creating a snug home to lay her eggs - four of them each time.

Then she sat there protecting them until they hatched. The first time all four made it. What a crowd of chirping, squirming feathers, especially as they grew to maturity. One morning we looked out to find only three - one had been pushed out and apparently learned to fly since we never saw any evidence of "fowl" play on the ground below. The other three followed within a day.

The second time, mama bird laid four eggs, but only three hatched. One poor baby either fell or was pushed out, leaving two. They have both since taken wing.

Here in the parsonage, life goes on too. Dan and I had an empty nest for the past four years as our youngest daughter married and left home, forced out of her comfy nest when we moved from Indiana, PA. But like mama bird, the nest didn't stay empty as our two other children came home for a time with their little ones.

However, in the next two weeks, they are all leaving the nest again, each family flying off to their own nest, leaving ours barren and empty again. Yesterday, I found myself having a melt down as it hit me that Allissa and Josh were moving to Florida in less than two weeks with their four kids. It might as well be to the end of the earth - since it's a 24 hour drive from here. At least Dave and Julie will be close by with Avery.

God gave me a wonderful gift - bringing them here for the past several months. I had the opportunity to be part of their daily life, watching them grow and nourishing their spiritual and emotional lives. I just wish it didn't hurt so much to see them move out on their own again. Thank God for technology which will allow me to see them daily via web-cam and instant messaging.

So life goes on... albeit with a few soggy handkerchiefs and quivering lips. But we will be fine, concentrating once again to the other wonderful people and ministries God brings into our lives.

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