
Monday, August 27, 2012

In Pieces...Part 2

“Each one of us has one body, and that body has many parts. These parts don’t all do the same thing. In the same way, we are many people, but in Christ we are all one body. We are the parts of that body, and each part belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4-5 ERV

I'm a crafter, not a mechanic. But, I do find it interesting to see how things work. As I took apart my die-cutting machine last week to replace some damaged parts, I began to see how each gear and bearing fit together to create the machine.

The machine is made up of a steel frame to which heavy rollers are added. The top and bottom rollers are turned by two gears that fit together on one side. A smaller gear at the top fits on a crankshaft which is attached to a handle so that when I turn the handle, the two gears turn the rollers. The works are encased in a plastic and metal covering which has a flat platform and a housing for the rollers/ cranking mechanisms.

By sandwiching a piece of paper between two texture plates and sliding it on the platform between the two pressure rollers, I end up with a fancy, embossed paper that adds texture and interest to my paper crafting projects. If I use a die instead, I will end up with cut pieces which can be glued together to create a design.

The point is that my die-cutting machine is made up of many parts which each have a different job to do. Each part is important - as I found out when a small bearing in the handle mechanism broke and wouldn't turn the rollers. I had to take the machine apart, labeling each part so I could put it back together again after the replacement parts arrive. After all, I don't need to end up with "extra parts" after I reassemble it. LOL!

In Christ, we are all part of one body - one "machine" whose purpose is to glorify Christ and carry out his design plans for this earth. We don't all have the same function - but as we fit together, we do the job he created us for. We all belong to each other - each one with equal importance in the over-all design.

Lord, help me to see and understand my function as part of this wonderful "machine" of yours! Help me to see how I fit with others in the accomplishment of your awesome design plan. Amen.

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